Human Right in China trampled under foot…

    …and the world still deals with that country

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    The industrialized nations of the West and the likes of Australia and New Zealand keep telling everyone about human rights and all that and still we use the country and its system to manufacture cheap consumer goods for our markets.

    When it comes to profits nothing else seems to matter and it does not matter one iota what the governments in London or Washington, DC may try to pretend, we allow the Chinese to do as they like as long as we can get the cheap good made there. Time for a change, methinks.

    If the British or the US governments really would be concerned with human rights and such in China and elsewhere it would instruct companies in its jurisdictions NOT to have any production in that country nor purchase any goods made in China. But the excuse is always that they cannot interfere in the commercial operations of companies and also not in the internal affairs of other countries.

    Amazingly, however, when oil is involved they go in with all guns blazing and claim that they have to liberate the people.

    But when oil is not in the offing such as, for instance, in Zimbabwe, formerly known as Rhodesia, or in China, it does not seem to matter one iota to those that normally have a rather big mouth as regards to human rights what happens.

    Wit regards to China, obviously, no one dares to say anything just in case the country should decide to no longer allow itself to be used as a cheap labor factory site for companies from the country that does the complaining.

    |Very much like in the case when the right of the Gypsy People, the Romani People, are trodden underfoot and no one says a word. It all is a case of expediency time and again, it would appear.

    So much for all the big talk of the likes of America and Britain and other countries. It is nothing but eye and ear candy.

    Let's get out of China in the same way as we should cut our involvement with the Zionist entity of Israel.

    © 2010

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Human Right in China trampled under foot…

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