Anti-Castor train website taken down

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    The Internet presence of a groups of anti-nuclear power protesters who use their website to publicly call for the blockade of the Castor train was taken down by the provider after the investigating authorities told the provider about this.

    Castor is the abbreviation (acronym) for “cask for storage and transport of radioactive material”, in other words “containers for the storage and transport of radioactive materials”. Castor-flasks are special containers for the storage and the transportation of highly radioactive materials, such as fuel rods and highly radioactive waste on their way to reprocessing.

    Amongst the opponents of the Castor transports a new form of resistance has developed, the so-called “graveling”. This means that gravel is being removed from the rail-road track bed in order to make a particular section of the track impassable for the train. Many activists had announced on the Internet that they were intend on using this procedure against the train.

    One of those groups, the Infogruppe Rosenheim, had now had its website closed by the provider because they had called for this action of “graveling” of the tracks. The website has been closed by Beepworld, the provider who hosts the domain of the group. Reasons given for the closure of the site give was that the call for such acts of resistance goes against the company's rules. Obviously the activities of Nazi groups that are hosted on their servers do not. The company said, however, that they did not act on their own initiative. A special unit of the CID Rosenheim had pointed out to them the existence of the site and the activities.

    Like in Britain it would appear that actions against the nuclear power industry are seen as the highest form of treason while right-wing organizations can promote their hate against all and sundries, especially against Gypsies and coloreds.

    © 2010

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Anti-Castor train website taken down

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