I don't believe it! Eco Stores selling Sky Lanterns

    How environmentally unfriendly can they get?

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    I noticed recently that at least one online eco store is, in fact, selling those Chinese Sky Lanterns that pose such a danger to wildlife, farm animals and the environment per se. How enco-unfriendly can one actually get while claiming to be green?

    With all the greenwash that is going around in the name of supposed eco-friendly products, the Eco Button being my pet peeve, they now are selling one of the most dangerous things around, aside from fireworks, and that are those Sky Lanterns.

    It would appear that as long as the money rings in the checkout till all is permissible.

    We have, as I have said before, exchange one consumption for another and many greenies are heavily partaking in greensumption. Holy ****! I mean honest... what the heck has happened? Where did the green business go wrong?

    In fact it went wrong when the business model because one of BAU, and sales and marketing was just a greenish version of the old model. This is enough to disillusion any member of the old guard. A cave with Internet access would be nice, as far as I am concerned, because I think it is time to get off the merry-go-round of greenwash and greensumption.

    We, the ones that really care, have to stand up and tell those that are only there with the intent of making a quick buck that we are not standing for this as the Earth cannot support this kind of consumerism and consumption, this greensumption. It is entirely unsustainable.

    Come on guys, let your voices be heard.

    © 2010

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I don't believe it! Eco Stores selling Sky Lanterns

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