RenewableUK applauds Government’s ‘vision and drive’ in retaining the Ports Fund

    RenewableUK, the country’s leading renewable energy trade association, has welcomed the Government’s announcement on Monday, 10/25/2010 to retain a £60m fund for port infrastructure upgrades in support of the massive pipeline of offshore wind projects the UK has planned.

    Launching the National Infrastructure Plan Prime Minister David Cameron stated: “We need thousands of offshore turbines in the next decade and beyond… To help secure private sector investment in this technology, we’re providing up to £60 million to meet the needs of offshore wind infrastructure at our ports. And to help move things forward, the Crown Estate will also work with interested ports and manufacturers to realise the potential of their sites. It’s a triple win. It will help secure our energy supplies, protect our planet and the Carbon Trust says it could create 70,000 jobs.”

    RenewableUK Director of Policy, Dr Gordon Edge, said: “We are delighted with the Prime Minister’s announcement today on the decision to retain the ports infrastructure fund, even more so as we are seeing an immediate positive reaction from turbine manufacturers detailing their investment plans.

    RenewableUK has over the last few months built a compelling case on the need to retain this funding. We have also conducted an extensive campaign to raise awareness of the opportunity to build a world beating supply chain on the back of the UK’s current lead in the offshore sector.

    This is a great day for the UK’s wind industry. We are set to realise the full potential of offshore wind both in terms of energy and job creation, and are happy that the Government has shown vision and drive over this particular issue.”

    But, while doing this, at the same time the government looks at nuclear power stations and at roads for cars rather than at real alternatives to both the energy side as well as transportations, such as a proper cycle infrastructure which would make people safe on bicycles and thus, probably, increase the use of bicycles hundredfold.

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RenewableUK applauds Government’s ‘vision and drive’ in retaining the Ports Fund

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