Ucycle helps make Nottingham University the greenest campus in Europe

    The University of Nottingham was recently voted the greenest campus in Europe and the second greenest campus in the world according to the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking. The project, from the University of Indonesia classified 90 universities from over 35 countries around the world and the UK ’s University of Nottingham . The study ranked participating universities on several factors, including the percentage of green space on their campus, electricity consumption, waste and water management and the application of eco-sustainability policies and projects. The University of Nottingham narrowly missed out on first place with The University of California, Berkeley, edging ahead to claim the title.

    To see ranking go to - http://greenmetric.ui.ac.id/id/page/ranking

    This year, amongst its many green initiatives and policies, the University has focused on getting its students and staff to change their everyday travel behaviour with the Ucycle Nottingham scheme, delivered by UK charity Sustrans. The project aims to enable people to switch from everyday car use in the city to travelling on foot, bike or public transport. Its university bike loan scheme – the biggest in the UK - has proved a huge success with all of the 210 bikes at the University of Nottingham being loaned out early in the academic year.

    Pro -Vice Chancellor Alan Dodson, says “Ucycle Nottingham has been a tremendously successful project for the University, and was a clear contributor to our outstanding success as top European, and second best globally in the Green Metric World University ranking. Sustainable transport is an important element of the university’s overall sustainability agenda, and we expect to continue to work with Sustrans, and the other Ucycle partners, in the future with the aim of continued improvement.”

    Joanna Ward, Sustrans’ Project Manager for Ucycle Nottingham, says “The success of Ucycle within the university shows that there is a real commitment from the students and staff to tackle environmental issues. The Ucycle bikes have flown off the racks showing that more and more students are choosing cycling as an easy and useful way to get around the city. It’s been great to see such enthusiasm from this institution and we will continue to work with them on making cycling a natural choice for city travel.”

    The Ucycle project is being delivered by UK charity - Sustrans, and is funded by Nottingham City Council (including via EMDA), Cycling England, the city’s two universities and the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. With most halls and student residential areas located within a five-mile radius of the universities, cycling is an easy, affordable and more sustainable way to make short everyday journeys thus helping cut traffic congestion and getting more people active in Nottingham. The £3.32million Ucycle project was conceived following a Nottingham Cycle Town proposal, which brought together partners across Nottingham to promote cycling including the Greater Nottingham Transport Partnership (GNTP). The project began in September 2009 and runs until July 2011.

    More detailed information about The University of Nottingham’s environmental strategy and initiatives can be found on the web at http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/about/values/environment

    For more info on Ucycle go to:- http://www.sustrans.org.uk/what-we-do/active-travel/active-travel-projects/ucycle-nottingham

    Source: Sustrans

    This press release is presented without editing for your information only.

    Full Disclosure Statement: The GREEN (LIVING) REVIEW received no compensation for any component of this article.

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Ucycle helps make Nottingham University the greenest campus in Europe

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