A fresh look at local food systems

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Santa Barbara, in California, in the USA, has one what most people would say is a thriving agricultural local food system. It ranks in the top 1 percent of counties in the States in value of agricultural products and produce, primarily fruits and vegetables.

    One might, therefore, assume that a local food network like this might be of significance when it comes to reducing greenhouse gases (less fuel to transport produce) and increase nutrition (fresher produce is more nutritious).

    Surprisingly, as researcher David Cleveland, a professor of environmental studies at UC-Santa Barbara found out, that assumption would be wrong. What Cleveland and his research team discovered was that more than 99 percent of the produce grown in Santa Barbara County is exported, and more than 95 percent of the produce consumed in the county is imported, some of it from as far away as Chile, Argentina, and New Zealand and this is very much like that in Britain as well.

    Furthermore, if all produce consumed here was grown in the county, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions less than 1 percent of total agrifood system emissions, and it would not necessarily affect nutrition. And in the days gone by before all this shipping from China to the USA food that can be grown in the US itself this was what happened and nutrition and health were better than they are today.

    Because when you buy local produce at your neighborhood chain grocery store that local produce may be local, but it may have been shipped to the grocer’s warehouse in another county or state and then shipped back to the neighborhood store.

    In other words, fuel used to transport the produce plus turnaround time in shipping the local produce back to where it originated negates most of the environmental and health effects usually associated with local food—at least in the grocery store.

    In Britain we have this very same problem also and unless the greengrocers and grocers or supermarket obtains the “local” fruit and vegetables from farms locally, direct, which is very rare indeed, then the truth is that everything is shipped to London – to Covent Garden Market, the fruit and veg wholesale market – first from whence it is then taken back to the local area.

    The food miles are rather big ones here but would not need to be. We must be stupid or something.

    Something to think about for sure…

    © 2011

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A fresh look at local food systems

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Front and backyards for sustainability

    Sustainable alternatives to lawns

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Most Americans long dream for the morning when they wake up to a cup of coffee and stare off their front porch at their immaculate green lawn. To some, the constant hum of lawn mowers is strangely comforting. But there’s a problem: having a lawn is expensive to maintain and largely unsustainable.

    According to Dr. Bill Chameides, dean of Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment since 2007, we seriously need to reconsider the drawbacks of lawns in America, and not just in America, of that we can be sure.

    For one, lawns require Americans alone to use about 800 million gallons of gasoline a year to refill the mower, of which about 17 million are being spilled. Lawns use nearly 3 million tons of pesticides. Lawns also cost us about $30 billion annually. And to top it off, we use about 4 billion gallons of water a day in residential water use, according to the EPA. Those are serious interesting figures and should make us all sit up and take note.

    Even though there are a couple of alternatives such as Eco Lawn Grass, which still is often the wrong grass for the wrong locations and then there are the Synthetic Turf Fields. But that is man-made and not a good solution, as far as I am concerned.

    The best choices would be natural growth which means to design your lawn to fit your environment. Instead of forcing some Kentucky Bluegrass to grow in front of your Arizona home, try designing the lawn to feature natural, drought resistant plants and ecosystems. The best part about this will be the lack of maintenance required: the world around you will do all the work. The same goes for those in Southern California or Texas – maybe lay down some volcanic rock or stones, cacti, and any other native plant life. Mix it up while doing so – have patches of lawn surrounded by native plants and flowers. That way you can still have a place to put a chair or bench, but the resources required will drop dramatically.

    And then there is converting lawns to gardens and this is probably the best solution as it gives you some added benefit. Such a garden can still look great as you can grow veggies with flowers and vice versa.

    While resources like water will still be needed, and so will be compost and other work such as weeding, this time you’ll be getting something back other than the joy of a green lawn. In fact, you’ll be able to lessen the demand for farming, decreasing the amount of water, fuel, pesticides, and fertilizers that are used. Hopefully, your soil hasn’t suffered too much from the years of pesticides. First, plot out where you want your garden to be and here consider sunlight, natural water irrigation, and shading. Next, start pulling back the sod with a hoe. You can use much of this as compost, so now would be a good time to get a compost system set up.

    You could use the sods, turned up, made into “Irish lazy beds” (look those up on the Internet) and use those as “raised beds”. Raised beds are, in my view, together with planters of various kinds, including the serious improvised ones, the way to go for veggie growing.

    After you’ve cleared away your area, sorted out your beds or planters get everything read for planting. The choose what you want to grow to harvest and then sow and plant away.

    Vegetable gardening and flowers can go very well hand in hand and if you want anything in your garden that is not planted up and is a little like a lawn make a Zen garden. A place of tranquility at the edges of which you can sit, relax and meditate.

    You might even inspire your neighbors to follow suit once you have your garden of this nature up and growing, too to set up their own garden of a similar nature and a good thing that would be too. It will be good for the environment and for the food miles too. In addition to that gardening – growing things, other than grass – is good for the soul.

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Fresh eggs from your backyard

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    When we think about chickens and farms it is natural to picture a rooster atop a fencepost belting out his best crow at the crack of dawn. In the farmhouse the aged farmer crawls out of bed to start his day. There is something romantic about seeing hens meandering through the farmyard and the farmer’s wife gathering eggs in the morning light.

    I must say though that I still have to actually see a rooster do that; standing atop a fencepost, I mean, though the rest might just work. Then again, one of my Bantam roosters has taken to stand a top a pallet used as a gate and yodel. We must, however, also remember that that idyllic vision is not general reality, not even on so-called free range egg farms.

    Today most egg production is rather industrialized and yes, even organic egg production is rather on a large scale and while the chickens are better off than those in the factory farms it still is miles away from the old family farm idyll of a a couple of dozen hens and a rooster roaming around in the farmyard scratching for worms and living the “good life”.

    It is an idyll that should become the norm once again as far as food production is concerned. And yes, I am well aware that with so many people on the Planet today we need more food than we needed say in the 1940s but it can still be done; research has proven that.

    In our present hectic world, which is no good to man or beast, we stumble out of bed to our digital alarm, grab something to eat that is wrapped in plastic and filled with more preservatives than natural ingredients, then run off to work. We rush through the day, hurry into a crowded grocery store on our way home and grab some eggs out of the commercial refrigerators and those eggs, unless we have the choice and are careful about choosing, have been produced in cages. We no longer have an idea where our food is coming from.

    About six decades ago we knew where our food was coming from. Now we have no relationship to it and our lifestyles are so hectic we unrealistically think we don’t have the time to reconnect and few make an attempt because of that belief.

    With the revival of living sustainably and organically, however, I have seen more and more small town and even city dwellers acquiring new pets for their household, feathered ones.

    Having a few hens in your backyard is now very cool and is becoming quite an accepted thing to do. Some city dwellers who are yearning for the country even keep small Silkies or Bantam hens as indoor pets but I definitely would not recommend chickens indoors.

    Chickens are very useful birds to have around. Not only do they keep the insect population in check, they provide natural fertilizer for your garden. Many people go out and buy chicken manure pellets which are, basically, noting else but the dried droppings of chickens. You'll get that for free and, obviously, and let’s not forget that, you get the benefit of fresh, organic eggs in your backyard. There is nothing better than eggs that come from your own hens.

    There are a fair number of plans for chicken coops, from small ones to even chicken palaces online, some which are even free for the download or copying, while others cost money. In addition there are literally hundreds of books and magazines available on keeping hens that all could help get you started. No need buy the material; some you can find online, the books you check out at the library – if you are lucky enough still to have a public library.

    Construct a simple house for your “girls” – it does not have to be elaborate – and you’ll wonder how you lived without these sweet pets. You can even let the hens roam around in the yard, provided there are no dogs to torment or harm them, and they will gather grit and greens for food. In their house or coop, offer organic, non-genetically modified feed and grain along with fresh water. You might also want to include some oyster shells. The calcium in the oyster shells hardens the eggshell. Take care of your “girls” and they will thank you with a full supply of eggs for your kitchen.

    You can also – as I do – feed the eggshells back to the hens. You will have to bake the shells first though and I have found the easiest way for that to nuke them in the microwave – the eggshells, not the chickens – and then grind them up fine. Saves on buying the oyster shell grit. Lack of calcium can cause the eggs to not form a shell and be just a gooey mess and no more. Therefore the feeding of shell back to the hens.

    Hens make great pets but are – in reality – happy to be left alone as much as possible. There is no need to handle them all the time. They provide great entertainment for sure and nothing could be more funny than the chicken version of rugby or the “chase the falling apple petal” game.

    Finally, a word of warning: Chickens are strange, strange in the eggstreme... I have one that insist on watching me through the window when I am in the kitchen and one also does that through another window when I am working on the computer. Nigh on as soon as I do something in the kitchen the particular one there will pop up onto the suitable pedestal from where she can watch what I am doing, while singing to herself at the same time. Strange for sure chickens are but great fun...

    Get some hens for your backyard; you won't regret it.

    © 2011

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Fresh eggs from your backyard

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Hazus-MH 2.0 Released

    Hazus-MH 2.0 Released Tuesday, May 31, 2011
    We are pleased to announce that Hazus-MH 2.0 is now available!  The 2.0 release includes many improvements to the usability and functionality of the software including, but not limited to:
    • A new coastal storm surge modeling capability integrating two industry standard models (SLOSH and SWAN), which now allows Hazus to predict the physical and economic impacts of hurricane scenarios on coastal flood regions. In addition to estimating the separate impacts of coastal flooding and high winds, the coastal surge scenario methodology also estimates the combined economic losses to the general building stock in a manner that avoids double counting of flood and wind losses.
    • With Hazus-MH 2.0, the CDMS tool has been integrated with Hazus.  CDMS will no longer be handled as a distinct product requiring users to obtain and install it separately.  It will automatically be added when installing Hazus, thus making it easier for users to take advantage of the tool’s data management capabilities.
    • Hazus-MH 2.0 is now compatible with ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 1.
    To Order Hazus-MH 2.0
    Order the latest version of Hazus-MH 2.0 free-of-charge on-line by visiting the FEMA Map Service Center (MSC) Web Store at http://links.govdelivery.com/track?type=click&enid=bWFpbGluZ2lkPTEzNjkxNDAmbWVzc2FnZWlkPVBSRC1CVUwtMTM2OTE0MCZkYXRhYmFzZWlkPTEwMDEmc2VyaWFsPTEyNzY2MzMyODkmZW1haWxpZD1zZHN3YXplZUBlYXJ0aGxpbmsubmV0JnVzZXJpZD1zZHN3YXplZUBlYXJ0aGxpbmsubmV0JmZsPSZleHRyYT1NdWx0aXZhcmlhdGVJZD0mJiY=&&&100&&&http://msc.fema.gov/.  For more information about how to set-up your account with the MSC and place your order please refer to the Ordering Hazus-MH 2.0 Flyer.

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Hazus-MH 2.0 Released

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Climbers insensitivity threatens Tremadog Access.

    The popular Ron James VS classic 'Touch and Go' at Craig y Gesail

    The North Wales BMC Access and Conservation officer, Elfyn Jones has asked for climbers visting the Craig y Gesail cliffs at Tremadog in NW Wales to show some common sense and restraint when visiting  the beautifully situated series of crags looking out to Tremadog Bay.

    The cliffs lie on private land (Tyddyn Deucwm farm) and the farming family who own the cliffs have always shown great tolerance towards the climbing fraternity.Allowing free parking on their land and erecting a series of stiles between the fields leading up to the cliffs.

    Recently however,there has been a series of incidents which have tarnished the reputation of the climbing community. Cars have been driven up to and parked at the farm itself and dogs have been allowed to roam freely amongst the farmer's sheep. In one incident,a climber was ironically bitten by another climbers dog!.
    Access to the cliff is only along the permissive path from the parking area just inside the farm gate at the village of Penmorfa, and cars should only be parked just inside the the farm gate.

    In the interests of good relations and to enable continued access, please engage your brain when you visit, and consider others who both depend on the land beneath the crag for their livelihood and those who visit Gesail for the superb climbing.

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Climbers insensitivity threatens Tremadog Access.

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Congress passes authority for worldwide war

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    US_Congressional_SealWashington, DC: The United States House of Representatives, on May 26th, 2011, passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes a provision to authorize worldwide war, which has no expiration date and will allow the current President – and any future President of the Union – to go to war anywhere in the world, at any time, without further congressional authorization.

    This new authorization will not even require the President to show any threat to the national security of the United States. The American military could become the world’s cop, and could be sent into harm’s way almost anywhere and everywhere around the globe.

    Before the vote, the House debated an amendment that would have struck out the worldwide war provision. That amendment to the bill was introduced by a bipartisan group of representatives: Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

    Given the enormity of the proposed law, one would have expected that the House would have debated the amendment to strike it extensively, but that’s not what happened.

    The amendment was debated for a total of 20 minutes. Yes, you got it right. Twenty minutes to debate whether Congress should hand the executive branch sweeping worldwide war authority.

    The vote on the amendment took place earlier that afternoon, and it failed on the House floor by a vote of 187-in favor to 234-opposed.

    Now this bill is, obviously, headed for the Senate and the Senate Armed Services Committee is scheduled to begin its markup of the NDAA beginning on June 13. If it passed the Senate also in such an unopposed manner then the US is set to hand the executive branch the powers of a king.

    Coming to think of it, in reality, the US President is an elected king bar for the name and with the aid of executive orders he can, in fact, rule as an autocrat if he so wishes.

    Most people are totally unaware of that situation and also of the way that the President of the Union is, actually, elected. Americans believe that they directly elect their President but nothing could be further from the truth. It is a conclave, the Electoral Commission, which elects the President in a manner similar to the election of the Pope in the Vatican.

    Hmm... who would have thought...

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Congress passes authority for worldwide war

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Ten people in Germany die from E.coli

    E.coli infected cucumbers kill ten people in Germany

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    cucumber_web According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ten German citizens have been killed and hundreds taken ill after an outbreak of E.coli that was caught from a contaminated batch of imported cucumbers.

    The virus is a rather complicated form of E.coli – called hemolytic-uremic syndrome – which can cause kidney failure and affect the central nervous system: adults, who are not normally seen as at the greatest risk, have accounted for 87% of reported cases.

    Cases of the disease have been reported in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK whilst the cucumbers, which were originally imported from Spain, had also been sent to Hungary, Austria and Luxembourg.

    The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control published the [outbreak] event background and risk assessment on the 27th May:

    Event background information

    On 22 May 2011, Germany posted a EWRS1 message reporting a significant increase in the number of patients with HUS and bloody diarrhoea caused by STEC. An urgent inquiry was launched through the EPIS platform on 24 May.

    The update provided by Germany on 27 May reports 276 cases of HUS since 25 April. While HUS cases are usually observed in children under 5 years of age, in this outbreak 87% are adults, with a clear predominance of women (68%). Cases in children of school age are also reported. Two people affected by HUS have died. The onset of disease relating to the latest reported case was 25 May. New cases are still being reported.

    Laboratory results from samples taken from patients have identified STEC strain of serotype O104:H4 (Stx2-positive, eae-negative). A German study has shown that eae-negative STEC strains generally affect adults more than children. Two strains isolated from patients from Hesse and Bremerhaven were shown to be highly resistant against third-generation cephalosporins (ESBL) and resistant to trimethoprim/sulfonamid and tetracyclines.

    Most cases are from, or have a history of travel to, northern Germany (mainly Hamburg, Northern Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein). Clusters of cases were reported from the State of Hessen and linked to a catering company that supplies cafeterias. These most likely constitute a satellite outbreak.

    Once again I must raise the question as to how E.coli, a virus that is found in the excrement of humans and animals, has gotten onto vegetables, in this case not leafy ones, as has been the case in the USA of late, but cucumbers, the fruit of a a vine.

    The only possibility, really, is that we have contamination at the farm in that irrigation or fertilization is the carrier, or at the packing houses, when it is then the handlers whose hands were not clean.

    Simple hygiene measures can prevent such outbreaks, of which we seem to be seeing more and more, and washing of hands is one of them when it comes to pickers and packers. When it comes to the farms there it is simply a case of not applying any slurry or farmyard manure to plants. It is not rocket science and it would seems that the farmers of old were more careful.

    © 2011

    1The Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) for communicable diseases in the European Union was created by the European Commission to "ensure a rapid and effective response by the EU to events (including emergencies) related to communicable diseases".

    EWRS is a web-based system linking the Commission, the public health authorities in Member States responsible for measures to control communicable diseases and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) are also linked to the system.

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Ten people in Germany die from E.coli

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Food Safety and Leafy Greens

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    If you’re worried about e. coli bacteria lurking in your spinach and other leafy greens, then you might be interested in the USDA’s Proposed National Marketing Agreement Regulating Leafy Green Vegetables – unless you're a small sustainable farmer.

    But I must say that I have a hard time understanding how we are getting e-coli bacteria and similar, which are found in the intestines of animals, including humans, onto those leafy veg in the first place unless farms and packing houses.

    The USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is proposing a new agreement to improve food safety and quality when it comes to green leafy vegetables including but not limited to lettuce, spinach, and cabbage, notably minimizing the potential for microbial contamination such as e. coli.

    The program, which is called National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (NLGMA) would be available to operations of all sizes, locations, and agricultural practices has been proposed in part to increase customer confidence in leafy green vegetables in the marketplace according to the USDA website.

    But not everyone is happy with the proposed agreement. According to a press release issued by Northeastern Organic Farmers Association – New York, the Agreement would establish a governance structure under which the largest leafy green produce handlers would hold the power to establish safety rules governing the growing and handling practices for leafy green vegetables. USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service would decide whether or not to approve the industry-written standards, after receiving public comment.

    This sounds very much like the industry-driven regulations that came into force in Europe as regards to herbal remedies where the pharmaceutical companies set the standards and made the rules which, by much lobbying, was then made EU law.

    NOFA-NY Executive Director Kate Mendenhall stated, “NLGMA will directly put NY small family farmers at a disadvantage in the marketplace. It is hard enough for our local sustainable farmers to thrive without this extra regulation. A single food safety metric cannot apply for the whole country. Growing conditions, length of growing season, and farm size differ greatly across the nation—even within New York state. Food safety education, standards, and/or regulations would be best defined and managed at the state level.”

    USDA is encouraging all interested parties, including small, organic, and diversified operations, as well as the public to submit comments concerning USDA’s Recommended Decision to establish the NLGMA. Comments are due by July 28, 2011.

    The fact is that no government intervention would be needed if common sense and proper cleanliness would be employed.

    On farms this would mean no use of manure and slurry on growing leaf crops and nowhere near it either and when it comes to harvesting and packing this means that rigorous hand washing is used.

    Proper “bio-security” was better in the days of old, it would seem, on old-style family farms than it is today on those huge commercial operations, whether vegetable farming or other.

    In packing houses too many people are being employed who come from a background where cleanliness does not seem to be on the agenda and who also seem to have a lack of understanding the language of the country and this is the same in the USA as it is in the UK.

    A total turnaround is needed and not regulation that may force small farmers out of business because of not having the money to comply with those rules in the same way as the pharmaceutical industry is trying with herbal remedies and “medicines”.

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Food Safety and Leafy Greens

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Seattle mountain guide amongst McKinley victims

    Mountain Guide Suzanne Allen.
    ANCHORAGE — A mountaineering guide from Seattle was one of two people killed on Mount McKinley this week, marking only the third time in history a guide leading clients on North America's tallest peak has died while on a climb.

    Suzanne Allen of Alpine Ascents, a Seattle-based guiding company that has taken clients to Denali for more than two decades, was killed in a fall late Wednesday night while attempting to traverse Denali Pass, the National Park Service said Friday.

    Allen, 34, and three others were roped together when they fell.

    Also killed was Peter Bullard, 45, of Shanghai, China.

    Two others were injured -- Gary Burke, 31, of Dallas, Texas, and James Mohr, 30, of Camp Pendleton, Calif. Burke is reportedly in stable condition with a broken leg and head injury; Mohr is non-responsive, parks spokeswoman Kris Fister said.

    Details of the fall, which happened around 18,000 feet on a 45-degree pitch, remain unknown.

    "We would like to speak with Mr. Burke, who is the only person who can give us more information," Fister said.

    Guides rarely die on the 20,320-foot McKinley. Since record-keeping began in 1932, only three have died while leading groups of paying customers, according to park service records. Terrance "Mugs" Stump, one of mountaineering's most famous climbers, died on McKinley in 1992 and Chris Hooyman died on a 1998 climb.

    Bullard is the 10th climber in history to die while on a guided McKinley expedition, and the second this year. Last year, 38 percent of the 1,222 people who made an attempt at scaling McKinley were either guides or clients on a guided trip, Fister said. The rest of the fatalities occurred on unguided trips.

    Allen's team originally had seven members, including another guide. The other guide and two of the clients had already descended by the time of Wednesday night's fall, the park service said.

    Allen was in her seventh or eight year with Alpine Ascents, said Gordon Janow, director of programs for the company, whose lineup of guides includes legend Vern Tejas. Her bio on the company website says she summited McKinley three times as a guide.

    "She was a stellar guide from Day One," Janow said. "She was very education-oriented. She was teaching constantly what she knew about the mountains."

    Janow said Allen is the first U.S.-based guide to die while working for Alpine Ascents, which according to its website has other teams currently on McKinley, including one led by Tejas.

    "It's very difficult," Janow said, "but we all understand what it's like to love something so much you want to be involved in it, even if it comes with risks."

    The deaths of Allen and Bullard bring to 112 the number of people who have died on Denali since 1932. So far this season, seven climbers have died in the Alaska Range, including four on McKinley.

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“The M&G Garden” 2011

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    M&GGarden2011_web The 2011 M&G Garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011 was a modern take on the traditional kitchen garden and a garden that really spoke to me.

    The M&G Garden 2011 proves the point that a vegetable/kitchen garden doe not have to be or need to be hidden away out of sight. On the contrary. It can become the garden.

    “The M&G Garden” 2011 was designed by Bunny Guinness, who is a multi award-winning garden designer, landscape architect and journalist. It encapsulates a belief in sustainable excellence and, as said, is a modern take on a traditional kitchen garden. This is a garden which you can both live with and in and live from, combining the practical with the aesthetic and innovative garden design elements that can sustain and nurture the modern gardener.

    The garden is a beautiful space in which to relax, as well as being a working plot to produce bountiful fruit, herbs, vegetables and cut flowers. It features raised beds built from willow and topped with cedar coping, which are planted out with vegetables and flowers for cutting.

    Cabbages and beans mingle with clematis and roses, whilst lavender and other herbs ensure the garden smells sweet and fragrant. Large terracotta pots containing a variety of fruit trees are placed throughout the garden.

    While very much traditional in spirit, the garden also embraces seriously innovative features including an elegant glass platform. This glass deck, which appears to float, a contemporary centrepiece to the garden, offers both a view of the garden and a sheltered space for people and plants below.

    The garden is framed by a series of pleached trees, standing nearly three metres tall, which are trained against wire and ironwork that echo the balustrade design.

    The M&G Garden demonstrates how a traditional approach is timeless, particularly when updated for a modern world.

    While this may not be something that any of us more ordinary mortals can recreate in its entirety, simply for lack of funds, the idea, however, could be taken up and transplanted – pardon the pun – into a less expensive setting.

    The “5 A DAY” garden at last year's Chelsea (or was it Hampton Court) Show was a smaller version of this planter raised bed design though, at that time, more or less solely a vegetable kitchen garden. But, anything along the lines of the size of the latter combined with the former should fit into most gardens and budgets.

    You don't have to have the same kind of planters or the huge Italian terracotta pots. I am sure it can be recreated using much cheaper materials for almost the same effect, leaving out, maybe, the floating deck as well.

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“The M&G Garden” 2011

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Gardening Matters

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    rhslogo The RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011 saw the launch of “Gardening Matters: Urban gardens”, a report by the Royal Horticultural Society, prepared by Dr. Tijana Blanusa (RHS) and Abigail Page (independent consultant).

    The report highlights, in its eight pages, the immense value that (urban) gardens present for people and the environment.

    I should think, though, that there is very little of that that really comes as a surprise to those of us involved with the environment and with gardens and gardening, whether on an amateur or a professional basis.

    In the same way as do city trees, and hence they are so valuable, gardens moderate the temperatures and cool the urban environment. A town or city without trees, gardens and parks would be much hotter in summer and less balanced in its micro climate. We get a detailed rundown on how gardens work by way of moderating the urban climate on page three of the report.

    Gardens, and that too has been a given to those of us who work with Nature, are an aid to the prevent flooding in the urban environment and page four of the report highlights that very well indeed.

    When I look around my own neighborhood it is obvious why we have a problem with flash floods everywhere when it rains heavily. Most front gardens have been paved over between three quarters to completely to make parking spaces for the at least two cars per home, often even three or four. Back gardens too often are no more than ten percent of their former selves as people build decking and patios to create (large) outdoor “rooms”. All this contributes to a lack of soil capable of absorbing water and leading to run off.

    The report “Gardening Matters: Urban gardens” is a very valuable piece of research and resource that has lot of good and important information for the urban gardener. Making it, therefore, available for downloading as a PDF document from the RHS website would be a very good idea.

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Gardening Matters

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Download tunes instead of purchasing them as a CD

    Download tunes instead of purchasing them as a CD at the store

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    While I know that saying this could be the death knell for the high street record stores but it is better to download tunes instead of purchasing them at the store.

    The average price of a CD is about $15, and about the same in British Pounds, whereas the download is only about $10 or even less, depending.

    Each month, more than 45 tons of CDs become obsolete – outdated or unwanted – and end up in landfills. Many, it has to be said, are data CDs but a great many are audio CDs that people have ripped to MP3 and then put onto their MP3 players, and the computer hard drive.

    The manufacture of the CDs, their cases, etc.; consider all that energy used and wasted. The oil for the CDs, the silver with which they are coated, and then the energy used in producing them. Then the energy used in transporting them, and so forth. Downloading – though not “carbon” neutral – nevertheless has a much smaller environmental footprint as does the same album on CD.

    And, if you still want a CD then you do have the choice to burn your own audio CD with software, free software, that can be had for the simple download as well. That is what I tend to do with my compilations that I acquire from the Net.

    © 2011

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Download tunes instead of purchasing them as a CD

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EcoCommerce 101 – Book Review

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    EcoCommerce 101
    Adding an ecological dimension to the economy
    by Timothy Gieseke, a Minnesota farmer
    Published by Bascom Hill Publishing Group 2010
    Paperback 428 pages
    ISBN: 978-1935098423

    EcoCommerce 101 In EcoCommerce 101, Timothy Gieseke offers new ways to look at an emerging economy. Using Adam Smith's concepts, developed in the 18th Century classic “The Wealth of Nations”, Gieseke suggests the development of new markets for the assurance of sustainability. Using agriculture as an example, he employs actual and visionary examples of how cooperation between leaders in business, agriculture, government and ecology can assure that the economy and ecology will provide our needs for the next millennium.

    This EcoCommerce model is applicable to all industries that rely on the food, feed, fiber and fuel stocks that we glean from the land.

    You will discover that the:

    - Economic System has much to benefit from our ecological systems

    - ''Natural Capital'' of nature is as valuable to the economy as our man-made factories

    - Engagement in EcoCommerce will be as natural as engaging in our economic system

    - Career Opportunities will abound when this new economic system is unlocked.

    Tim Gieseke is a farmer, an ecologist, a business owner and a lecturer, and previously both a government staff and policy analyst and in this book he creates a new language for this new economic reality. He discusses the need for revolutionary types of indexes for measuring sustainability. This thoroughly researched and clearly presented volume is a work that should be looked at seriously by all concerned with the continuity of our resources.

    The author of “EcoCommerce 101” is the first person, although I am by no means an economist, who has made sense to me and the first person, other than myself, who I have ever encountered who actually talks about putting an economic value on Mother Earth and Her gifts.

    This is exactly the approach we have to take; in fact we should have been taking it for decades already. The problem is, and has been for ever since we exploited the gifts of Mother Earth, that we have taken it all for grated and, in a way, use the Holy Bible, purposely misinterpreted, as an excuse.

    When G-d said that man was to have dominion over the Earth, over creation, that did not mean that man was supposed to dominate it. Dominion means in this case to me a caretaker. And what did man do, bar some people who lived closed to Nature? Man tried to bend Nature and always talked about a fight against Nature.

    If we ever win that fight then we have lost, forever.

    EcoCommerce 101 is definitely a book that should be compulsory reading for all economists, business leaders and politicians alike.

    © 2011

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EcoCommerce 101 – Book Review

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Research proves Gardens are Vital

    rhslogo A report, released by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011 at the end of May of the year, confirms the vital role that gardens play in reducing city warming.

    “Gardening Matter: Urban gardens” brings together, for the first time, UK and international research into how gardens affect the air temperatures of towns and cities. The report not only shows how important urban gardens are at reducing temperatures but also that they provide a range of other benefits.

    Results quoted in the report prove that plants bring down energy consumption in winter by providing shelter and insulation; cool the air in towns and cities in the summer; help reduce the risk of flooding by absorbing rain water through soil and support increased biodiversity.

    “Gardens are important for reducing city warming,” says Dr Roger Williams, Head of RHS Science. “We are concerned that with current trends for building apartment blocks with limited green space and houses with much smaller gardens the benefits from private gardens will decrease to the detriment of people living in cities. We hope this report will highlight the need to keep green spaces and that even they may even be increased for the benefit of the environment and future generations.”

    Research shows that urban environments are prone to heating when vegetated areas are replaced with dark, impervious surfaces. Pavements and roads absorb more heat and reflect less than planted surfaces, making them warmer. This results in urban air and surface temperatures being significantly hotter than surrounding rural areas.

    Gardens also provide valuable flood-reduction benefits. Trees help reduce the flow of rainfall by holding rain in their canopies. In addition water is filtered into the soil which helps ease demands on urban drains. Despite this the area given over to hard paving in gardens is increasing. For example, in Leeds over a 33-year period there was a 13 percent increase in impervious surfaces. This has been linked to a higher frequency and magnitude of flooding in the area.

    “Although gardens provide immense benefits we also need to be aware that there are some potential negative impacts on the environment,” says Dr Tijana Blanusa, lead author of the report. “Gardening can contribute indirectly to carbon emissions through the use of powered garden tools and the manufacture and transport of horticultural goods. And the use of water in gardens is predicted to rise over the coming years.”

    The report suggests ten tips for gardeners to improve the benefits of gardens to urban areas. The charity is also launching an online survey during RHS Chelsea Flower Show to see how people garden in urban areas. Anyone wanting to participate should visit – www.rhs.org.uk/urbangreening.

    Source: Royal Horticultural Society

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Research proves Gardens are Vital

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Is Google Docs safe for backing up confidential information?

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    The short answer here, I would say, must be an emphatic NO, and especially with regards to any sensitive information, and therefore I would suggest that no one would place any tax records or anything of such a similar nature.

    When it comes to using Google Docs for storage, if we want to use the longer answer, it really depends on the user’s tolerance for risk and what his or her other options are.

    If you place confidential information on Google Docs, the risks include: Google being compromised by hackers, Google itself using the documents for nefarious purposes, your account being compromised, governments or other third parties requesting and obtaining access to the documents, and Google losing your information. None of these outcomes are very likely, but they’re all risks to keep in mind.

    I would suggest that you consider that – in the small print – Google reckons that by signing up for the service and using it you give your copyright for anything that you store with Google, as with many other free “cloud services”, and that it, Google, has the right, therefore, to make use of any of your material in any way that it, Google, sees fit.

    Therefore, personally, I wouldn’t put confidential information on Google Docs in any way, shape or form. Keep regular backups of the data on my hard drive and be vigilant about the security of my machines.

    Documents that you may only need to keep – such as tax records, etc. – and can therefore remove from your hard drive I would suggest you “burn” them onto optical media, onto CD or DVD. Do not keep such data that you may need to have access to at times on USB thumb drives either.

    Therefore, store your stuff off-line, an best on media that is not something that could fail. It is for that reason that I suggest not to use USB thumb drives as they can, like hard drives, fail and crash and you could lose your data.

    © 2011

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Is Google Docs safe for backing up confidential information?

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millfields garden and allotment

    not sure who is responsible for the work setting up the millfields garden and allotment (at the bottom of millfields road by the millfields estate) - but they are looking really lovely.

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millfields garden and allotment

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Bad weather delays clean up on the world's highest rubbish dump

    KATMANDU, Nepal - Fresh snow and unpredictable weather hampered efforts to pick tons of trash left behind by climbers on the slopes of Mount Everest, the veteran mountain guide who led the cleaning crew said Friday.

    "The new snow covered the garbage and it was difficult to collect trash in the higher altitude," the guide, Apa, told reporters upon his return to the Nepalese capital of Katmandu. Apa, like most Sherpas, use only one name.Before leaving for the mountain in April, Apa said his team planned to clear 8,800 pounds (4,000 kilograms) of garbage from the lower part of the mountain and another 2,200 pounds (1,000 kilograms) from near the summit.

    Apa said they only managed to bring down 2,400 pounds (1,100 kilograms) of garbage in total.
    The guide, however, did manage to reach the 29,035-foot (8,850-meter) summit with a group of other climbers on May 11. That was his 21st successful ascent of the peak, breaking his own record for most climbs set last year.
    Apa, 50, grew up in the foothills of Everest and began carrying equipment and supplies for trekkers and mountaineers at age 12. He first climbed Everest in 1989 and has repeated the feat almost annually.
    Apa has long campaigned about the degradation he has seen on the Himalayan peaks due to global warming and other issues.
    He said when he first began climbing Everest, the trail to the summit was covered with ice and snow. Now, it is dotted with bare rocks. The melting ice has also exposed deep crevasses, making expeditions more dangerous.
    Apa moved to the United States in 2006 and lives in the Salt Lake City suburb of Draper.

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Bad weather delays clean up on the world's highest rubbish dump

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RHS Chelsea 2011 – Visit Report

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)rhslogo

    The end of May 2011 saw the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, the prestigious annual event held in the grounds of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, the home of the Chelsea Pensioners.

    Many a show garden, large and small, was in evidence once again and for me the ones that stood out were the M&G Garden and the Bulldog Forge Garden and we shall be looking at those gardens in more detail at another stage.

    RHS Chelsea 2011 also saw the launch of the “Gardening Matters: urban gardens” report by the Royal Horticultural Society; a report that is worth a second a closer look and we shall do that at another time.

    The “Miracle Gro'wers – Leaning Journey”, by Miracle Gro, the plant food people, in association with The Sun (newspaper) saw a constant stream of journalists coming and going on Monday, May 23 – the Press Day. This could, however, have been due to the fact that the Environment Secretary, Caroline Spellman, was due to put in an appearance and here she is with some of the children that have been responsible for the growing of the plants on display on the stand and many others.

    Caroline SpellmanRHSChesea2011_500 A fair number of new products and plants saw their launch at RHS Chelsea 2011 and there were many interesting new products in the RHS Chelsea “Product of the Year” collection; a new category introduced this year. More on those at another time.

    I must say that the time that I have had at RHS Chelsea 2011 just was not long enough to see everything that was worth seeing and I must ensure that in the future I will make at least free for this show. I am glad, therefore, that I have booked myself in for two days for this year's RHS Hampton Court Flower Show.

    © 2011

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RHS Chelsea 2011 – Visit Report

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Recycling cereal packs into envelopes

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Many green companies nowadays have gone really green when it comes to envelopes with which to send products. They make them out of old cereal packets and I think this to be a great idea indeed.

    “Scrapkins” use such envelopes, and I understand that in one of their next recycling books for kids they will have the instruction of how to make such envelopes, as does, so I understand, “Stay Vocal”. “Scrapkins” also use compliment slips cut from cereal carton and then using a stamp and handwriting for the message. Another great idea.

    As regular readers (and Twitter and Facebook followers) will know I preach this kind of recycling and also live it. As I do not use cereals at home, however, I do not have such cartons as waste around the house and thus no need to find a need for them.

    Other “card stock” from packaging, in my operations, are being turned into business/visiting cards, bookmarks, index cards, and similar.

    Cereal cartons also can be cut to the same uses as what I put them to but, as they are larger, they also can make good sturdy shipping envelopes, of the “Priority Mail” kind, though coming entirely free, bar a little sticky tape or glue.

    Lighter envelopes of the letter size and half-letter size can be made from string Kraft paper that one comes across at times too and the recycling-minded person, especially he or she who does the occasional shipping of things in such envelopes, whether the stronger ones or the Kraft kind of, should always be on the lookout for such materials.

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Recycling cereal packs into envelopes

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Prayer without action is like having gasoline but no car to use it in

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    This is one of the many reasons that I got very turned off by so-called Christians who would always come out with the “let us pray about it” rather than to be prepared to actually do something about an issue.

    Many years ago I have had the experience time and again when practical help was needed for Gypsy children or homeless people or whatever. Instead of the congregations getting practical and looking for things with which to help the reply would, invariably, be “let's pray about it to see whether the Lord wants us to do and what.”

    Very few, especially of the so-called “born again” groups were prepared to get the finger out and do something, unless there was conversion mileage in it, and that is and was another thing that irks me... In order for help to be made forthcoming people have to convert. Convert not to just biblical standards. No... but to the standards of the “leaders” of the particular church.

    The New Testament states that “faith without work is dead” but the problem is that too many Christians, especially of the “new” churches seem to believe that prayer is work in this sense.

    Well, folks, it is not. Prayer is prayer and work is work and that's how simple the equation works.

    Recently I have been able to observer this claptrap again on Facebook where way too many that call themselves Christians talk a load of bovine excrement instead of offering any real help or similar.

    We all can talk a lot, especially in terminology, but that is no more than a sounding drum or a cymbal. It does not solve the problems and to come with talk, when we are trying to confront poverty and other issues, of demons having taken over this or that country and that we need to pray for deliverance is the greatest of garbage possible.

    As someone once said: I have no problem with God, it is his ground personnel that I have issues with, and not just the so-called pastors and elder. Nay, also the followers of those that just babble a lot of nonsense that they have copied from those that they believe are their leaders.

    I also do not need to have the Bible (New Testament is what counts only) expounded to me by this or that pastor, elder, missionary, etc. in a Bible study group. Thank you, but I am well capable of reading the book myself.

    In addition to that there is nothing writing between the lines, as someone once tried to explain to me when he came up with some stuff that he claimed was what was meant in a biblical text. Upon my question as to where this was written I was told that I would have to be able to read between the lines.

    The truth is, and that is why the Catholic Church of old was so worried when the Bible was being translated into the vernacular from Latin that people could read the Word themselves and they too then claimed that they needed the priest to explain it to them.

    The modern churches which are but sects have the same attitude. Know the truth and the truth will set you free.

    © 2011

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Prayer without action is like having gasoline but no car to use it in

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Nepal grapples with the caprice of climate change

    Nepalese dogs at a rescue centre:Photo Mayhew International

    Communities that manage the forests in Nepal are grappling with the vagaries of erratic rainfall, drought and depleting water for drinking and agriculture.

    The rainfall pattern has changed in intensity and quality as a result of which production of paddy is decreasing, says Eak B. Rana, project coordinator, REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries) Ecosystem Services at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu.

    While the people have adapted in some ways to the changing rainfall pattern and lack of water, migration has increased. An ICIMOD study on community perceptions and responses to climate change impacts in Nepal, India and Bhutan points to increased migration, though not due to climate change alone. The study says income generation options are inadequate in Nepal, apart from poor social capital and support systems, leading to labour migration.

    Interestingly, it was the people's movement to regenerate forests since 1972 that led to them eventually managing the green areas. In 1988, community-based forest management groups were formally approved, with the Kavre and Sindhupalchowk districts being the pioneers. There are now 16,000-20,000 community-managed forests in Nepal, covering 25 per cent or 1.2 million hectares of the country's forest land, Mr. Rana says.

    Communities also earn revenue by selling non-timber forest produce (NTFP).
    Rejuvenating the land

    A little ahead of Dhulikhel in Kavre district is the Gaurkhureshwor community forest area, spread over 24 hectares. Badri Prasad Jangam, chairperson of the group — which has been managing the forest for 19 years — says this was a bare region earlier, but the community living nearby decided to rejuvenate it by planting trees.

    The first area to be managed by the community, the region now is a lush forest with a variety of wild animals, including leopards.

    The 60 houses in the village get their fuelwood requirements and the water streams have been recharged in the area. The community grows cardamom and broom grass as cash crops. In addition, the forest gets tourists who are charged from Rs.500 upwards for a visit. The area has local varieties of trees, including rhododendrons and is also known for its orchids.

    Saryu Jangam, one of the four women on the nine-member forest management committee, says the earnings are used to train women in tailoring, conservation and in using improved cooking stoves. A guard has also been hired to patrol the forests at Rs.2,000 a month. The community forest is held up as a model and anyone caught felling trees is punished with a fine.
    Depleting water sources

    However, things are not so happy further ahead in Panchakhal, which is part of the Ratomate community forest area spread over 108.12 hectares. There has been a drought for six years in the area. Khilbahadur Nuitel points to a natural water source that trickled to a stop four years ago; this water had been enough for the entire village. A well that was dug nearby dried up a year ago.

    The people blame the extensive pine forests — which were planted in the 1970s to regenerate degraded forests as part of an Australian project — for the depleting water table. Mr. Rana, however, says the pine forests are not the only reason: in fact, there is no research or scientific study to show that pine trees have a high evapo-transpiration rate. He says the streams and water sources in many parts of Nepal are drying up due to prolonged drought and climate change.

    In Panchakhal, Mr. Nuitel says, it now rains in May though traditionally rainfall occurred during June-September. With help from an NGO, the village has dug a 250-foot borewell and pumps water to a tank. Villagers get 80 litres a day for their use, but the 11-hour load shedding does not help. Most families use biogas to reduce dependence on forests.

    Jamuna picks up her aluminium cans to trudge uphill to fetch water from the tank. “I spend an hour each in the morning and evening bringing water,” she says. The people are planning to plant broad-leaved species of trees to mitigate the effect of the pines.

    Ironically, Panchakhal used to be called ‘Mudepani,' which means enough water. It was also noted for its banana crop.

    Mr. Rana explains that Nepal still does not have a concrete framework in terms of a policy under REDD, but is part of two programmes: the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, and the United Nations REDD Programme. The country has gotten $200,000 for a readiness preparation proposal and an additional $3.5 million from the World Bank to work on six different components related to REDD.

    To adapt to the changing scenario, ICIMOD has set up a demonstration centre in the Jhikhu Khola watershed at Lamdihi village, where Saraswoti Bhetwal shows other farmers the techniques of roof-water harvesting, making farm ponds, drip irrigation, composting and terracing. From growing one maize crop a year, she now harvests rice, potato and vegetables thrice a year. Last year, she says, the rain was scanty and the roof-water lasted only for five months. But now the people come to learn from her.
    The Hindu

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Nepal grapples with the caprice of climate change

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Joplin, MO Tornado Disaster Imagery by Surdex

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Joplin, MO Tornado Disaster Imagery by Surdex

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Kerbside recycling of paper

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Does kerbside recycling work in the way that it is currently being done in many areas in the UK (and elsewhere)?

    The short answer to this must be a definite NO. Mixed materials collection, and that does include the way paper is being collected, does not work as often, in the case of paper, thermal paper and other non-recyclable paper is included.

    Many residents in the British boroughs put out all types of paper into the one bag or box that is being used for the waste paper recycling collection with the council always having the slogan “we will sort it”. But this is not, actually, a feasible way, unless the councils' waste departments have lots of people working behind the scenes sorting all that paper manually, by hand, when it comes in. I am sure, however, that this is not happening.

    From what I have seen personally residents seem to throw all manner of different types of “paper” into this collection, including thermal paper, from till receipts, old-style, but still in use, fax machines, etc.

    Thermal paper cannot – unless I am very much mistaken – be recycled with other paper. Neither can pages that are lightly (and not so lightly) laminated, such as gloss finished pages of heavy catalogs, and such like.

    So, what's the point of kerbside recycling collections of waste paper when the paper ends up so contaminated with non-recyclable paper that the entire stuff can only go pone place. Yes, the landfill. Is it just all a sham and for show?

    The above question, I am afraid to say, is a serious one and not just a rhetorical question for, unless things have changed in the last year or two, and that waste paper that arrives is meticulously sorted then it is but a farce and a sham and the paper is contaminated in such a way that recycling just simply is not possible.

    With other parts of kerbside recycling collecting I can see similar problems.

    Plastic bottles, etc., are all mixed up with other plastics and bottles, more often than not, still have the tops on, or at least the “ring” attached. As the cap and the “ring” are of a different plastic than the bottles the cap and/or the “ring” will have to be removed by hand. In fact, a lot of manual sorting I reckon to be required to ensure that the correct plastics reach the right locations.

    So, are we all being fooled?

    On the other hand it is indeed possible that this sorting all does happen but probably not anywhere locally.

    I hasten to bet that this waste is shipped “as is” to some Third World country where it is then being sorted in, more often than not, appalling conditions for those sorters.

    Some serious questions, I think, need to be asked as to what, actually, happens to those recyclables that are being collected at the kerbside.

    © 2011

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Kerbside recycling of paper

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Misguided Environmentalists

    A little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Those of us that work in outdoor professions, such as professional commercial foresters and forest managers and coppice workers, as well as those in the park service, etc., encounter those people on an almost daily basis.

    In the main those people have read a few pamphlets, articles (on the Internet nowadays more often than not) and books only and suddenly they feel qualified to decide that this or that practice is wrong. They did that with regards to coppicing some years back and now... well now we have to bring it back piece by piece before the coppice stools actually will break apart and the woodlands are lost for ever.

    One of the other things that was forced through by those with little knowledge is the practice of leaving forest debris, such as branches and tops, and other “useless” wood as “habitat piles” for the wildlife, for invertebrates and fungi.

    This practice, however, has dangerous consequences and is very bad for the environment to boot and for the woodlands concerned.

    The dead wood harbor diseases and parasites which then come to fruition there on the forest floor in those “habitat piles” and infect and, in the case of parasites, infest living trees.

    In addition to that this dead wood, often in the form of brushwood, constitutes a serious fire risk and -hazard and fire ladder.

    Commercial foresters and forestry organizations are fighting a battle to reverse this foolhardy practice and the British Forestry Commission was talking in 2009/2010 about actually outlawing this practice of leaving “habitat piles”, or at least the excessive use of them. It is also bad and lazy forestry practice to just leave higgledy-piggledy heaps of wood about.

    This is but one area where the interfering busybody syndrome of those misguides and misinformed people is wreaking havoc in forests, woods and countryside, as well as (public) parks and open spaces.

    The professional forester of old has not just been concerned with growing trees. He has also had concern for the wildlife and soil health of his forests. He knew the symbiosis that exists between trees and the fungi in the soil, which basically form a communications net between trees of a species and are needed to enable to trees to actually take up the needed nutrients.

    In the days gone by managed woodlands and forests had, basically, a 'clean floor' policy and virtually all debris was removed, and this was done for reasons of the health of the forest soil and its trees.

    The larger bits of wood, such as the bigger branches, went for firewood, often to the Estovers, and twigs and brushwood was burned in situ. Still the wildlife thrived and that more so than today even.

    While the burning of such forest debris in piles in the woods may have been, and is, an issue as fas as the smoke from such fires goes, the carbon released, however, is however only that amount which the wood absorbed during its growing period. The ash produced, on the other hand, was and is a great soil improver.

    Wood left to decay, in comparison, not only releases possible pathogens and parasites that will infect and infest other healthy trees, but also the CO2 that it took up during its growing period but also, and much more important and dangerous, the much more dangerous greenhouse gas of methane.

    Removing the debris and burning that which is of no use to others in situ also removes the fire hazard posed by piles of brushwood. What ain't there can't, after all, burn.

    The misguided greenies, however, do not want to understand this, claiming that this is an invention of the commercial forestry lobby.

    Another way such forest debris could be used – much better than leaving it to decay – is to chip it up for mulch in the garden, to grind it down to make compost, or as wood chips in stoves and furnaces made to burn such chips.

    As I said, this is but one area where the interference by certain people with just a little knowledge, which is also often tinted, has caused and is causing problems. Other areas are in access management in parks, open spaces, woods and forests.

    We saw that in the beginning of 2011 with regards to the proposed sale, by the Con-Dem coalition government, of some of the Forestry Commission lands. Here serious scaremongering was being employed claiming that people would no longer be permitted to walk in those woods, and that those forests would be clear felled. The claim was, basically, that private forest owners would destroy the lands, as if the Forestry Commission, aside from their research which is second to none, does such a great job anyway.

    The popular, though misguided, campaign got the sale of such lands stopped – for the time being – nevertheless. Whether this was good or not in the long run remains to be seen.

    As far as I have seen the Forestry Commission does not have one of the greatest records in managing forests and woodlands very efficiently and effectively and many of the areas are in dire need to tender loving care. The same is true – and that even more so – with woods and forests that are owned by the counties, districts and boroughs. Trees get felled and left to rot instead of being sold for profit.

    We have a need for firewood and other wood products and import firewood from as far afield as Poland, the Ukraine and Belarus while our own woods have tonnes and tonnes of timber, more often than not even quality building and furniture timber, laying about rotting away.

    To a degree that practice too is due to those misguided individuals and groups that insist that the councils, whether county, district or borough, leave such wood “for the wildlife”.

    Time we rethought a few things...

    © 2011

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Misguided Environmentalists

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Citizenship & Community Spirit

    By Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    As I have already talked about in a previous article far too may people nowadays, in Britain, and more than likely elsewhere, are taken with a belief in entitlements and rights but no one wants to know about the fact that those rights (and entitlements) some with strings attached, namely responsibilities.

    Citizenship is not (just) about rights and human rights, Magna Carta (not that that document was ever intended for the common man), Bill of Rights, etc., but about the responsibilities of a citizen.

    In addition to that what is lacking so much today is community spirit; the spirit to get involved in actions for the community and also simply being part of the community proper.

    Proper community is what makes us tick, as human beings, but proper community has been created away by the powers-that-be and now they want to resurrect it. It now suits them as the funds to do it government controlled are running out. Enter the “Big Society.” But that is neither here nor there at the moment.

    The problem that we have, and that is one of the main reasons that our world is the way it is today is that community has been destroyed by a variety of ways and mostly through greed and people's egotism.

    When the entitlement mentality arrived – and how we go there still beats me a little but the welfare state (and no, I don't want to be without this safety net) in having made people dependent on the state has much to do with it – everything, more or less, went out of the window and people began to believe that they are entitled to this and to that and it is their right to have this and that.

    Some seem to take it so far as to believe that they are entitled to have and drive a car, to have abundant fuel to power it, and that they are entitled to flat screen and plasma TVs and all that jazz.

    Welfare recipients moan that they have not enough money to feed their children but have a huge TV in the corner and large sound systems. Hello, people! The welfare money that you are given is for getting food on the table for you and your kids and not to keep up with the neighbors (and bankers) with fat salaries.

    But, again, sorry, I digressed somewhat.

    Citizenship is something that in many other countries of Europe is actually being taught in schools. Children are taught what is expected of everyone as a citizen of the country in which they live and while this might be seen as indoctrination by some it, theoretically, makes the point that all rights come with responsibilities.

    Community spirit now is something that you can't teach but was once something that just seems to have been there. Whether it was simply because everyone was in the same boat and therefore everyone relied on one another or whether it was borne out of religious beliefs, I could not say. Fact is, people used to help each other, and that even in the not so distant future, and not just in the villages and in the rural communities.

    We must rediscover this community spirit, and some people make a serious effort to do so, such as the Transition Town movement and good luck to them. But that is but a small drop in the ocean and our communities need more than just that to get back on their feet as living communities.

    It could be that once we can no longer travel all over the place cheaply and easily by aid of the motorcar with the ICE (infernal combustion engine) things might change and community and community spirit will arise again. The end of cheap and abundant oil and thus the end of cheap and abundant gasoline and diesel is not that far away and when that begins to bite we need to get back to doing things at home, on a local level.

    People will need each other again when that time comes and it would be good not to wait that long, in my view, even though that time may be very close at hand.

    In the same way as transitioning towards a post oil world transitioning towards a world of community spirit and cooperation is something that we must do as well at the same time.

    In order to build and rebuild communities and community spirit we must act now; we have no time to lose. At the same time “citizenship”, in a loose sense of the word, also must be relearned. The entitlement idea no longer works once the proverbial has hit the air moving device and we are stuck where we are due to lack of fuel to run our fuel guzzling motor vehicles or when fuel has become so expensive that we can no longer afford to run those vehicles.

    Where did we go wrong, I wonder, as to people and community? The welfare state cannot be blamed for it, really. Somewhere along the line people have been led to believe that they are entitled to all those things and to all those “rights”, even to the detriment (of the rights) of others, and this made the majority of people in the developing nations into serious egoists with a total “me, me, me” attitude, from children to adults alike.

    Everything has become a competition as to how to get more than the neighbor whether this is a bigger car, a better BBQ, or whatever you may wish to think of.

    The attitude seems to be “I have a right to have this” even if it infringes on someone else and especially on the Planet and the future of our children and children's children. Our use – or should I can it abuse – of fossil fuels and natural resources is a great example of this and while the biggest culprits are the corporate giants each one of us is, to some degree to blame for this as well.

    Time for a serious change and this change must be made now...

    © 2011

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Citizenship & Community Spirit

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By George!..The world's youngest Seven Summits ascentionist.

    George Atkinson from Surbiton, England has become the youngest person to climb the highest peaks in all continents.He reached the top in the early hours of Thursday, May 26, after leaving his family and setting out on the trip on April 2.
    His new climbing world record covers Everest, Vincent, Elbrus, Castenz Pyramid, Aconcagua, Denali, and Kilimanjaro.

    He replaces 17-year-old record holder Johnny Collinson, from Utah, who completed the Seven Summit Challenge in January 2010.
    Mr Atkinson got his first glimpse of Everest on April 6, when he said: “It's huge it really is. The summit of the mountain kind of looks like a pyramid made of rock and snow.”
    Since then, the teenager has battled the elements, altitude sickness, fatigue and a suspected urinary infection to reach the top of the 8,848 metre mountain – in time for his 17th birthday on Sunday.

    Conditions are so bad in what is known as Everest’s death zone - 8,000m and above – that most corpses stay where they fall and some are visible from climbing routes, so his mum Penny, 45, was relieved to hear he had reached the top.
    She said: “So many things can go wrong during that final push that you just can't guarantee what the outcome will be, then in the early hours we heard that he had made it.
    “We were so, so happy but it is tinged with worry because you know they still have to make the descent and that can be more dangerous.
    "I cried a lot now that the tension was broken but neither Mark or I will really relax until George is back down at Basecamp on Friday night.
    "We are so proud of George. He has always worked so hard to achieve his goals and deserves this record.

    Mr Atkinson’s first achievement came at just 11, when he climbed Mount Kilmanjaro - insisting the guide take him to the summit when he advised him to stop.
    He completed the Kilimanjaro climb with his dad Mark, 51, after a talk in school inspired him.
    They then did Elbrus together after seeing an advert, and it seemed logical to go on to do the continents' five other highest peaks.But he soon outgrew his dad, and went solo after the first four mountains.
    Mrs Atkinson said: ““He has had to overcome some major hurdles in confidence to get to the top of these mountains.

    "This has meant having to mature quickly and take criticism when it is warranted. He is a very special young man. We can't wait to see him again.”Mr Atkinson’s trip was raising funds for Chase.

    Visit virginmoneygiving.com and search George Atkinson to boost his cause.

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By George!..The world's youngest Seven Summits ascentionist.

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