Sigrid Rausing.One of the few major Scottish landowners to reside in the 21st century.Photo Telegraph
Sigrid Rausing, the philanthropist and publisher who owns an estate in Inverness-shire, said "wandering eagles" had been relentlessly persecuted in the Highlands. She has been attempting to attract the birds back to her Coignafearn estate in the Monadhliath mountains, but fears continuing persecution is preventing them breeding.
The daughter of Hans Rausing, the Swedish billionaire whose father built the Tetra Pak packaging empire, she is also concerned about the impact of a controversial wind farm project on a neighbouring property. She claims the £100 million, 33-turbine project on Dunmaglass estate, which was approved by ministers last year despite widespread opposition, will spoil one of Britain's wildest landscapes and pose a physical threat to raptors.
Ms Rausing said that that many owners of sporting estates took the view that "they own the land, and no one has the right to interfere". She added: "On the other hand most landowners are in receipt of quite substantial grants. "There is no reason why the public should pay grants to landowners whose philosophy of land management is hostile to the whole idea that the public has a right to intervene."
Conservationists have accused estates across the Highlands of killing protected raptors, including hen harriers, to protect grouse stocks, although the main landowning organisations condemn the practice. Ms Rausing said the giant turbines proposed on Dunmaglass, which is owned by the Bahamas-based millionaire Sir Jack Hayward, could kill golden eagles and should not have been approved.
"The decision was based on trying to reach certain 'green' energy targets," she added. "The Dunmaglass approval shows that where a species has been hunted to near-extinction, protection, sadly, is irrelevant in the planning process." "The Monadhliaths are potentially one of the best areas for golden eagles in Britain. That there are no breeding pairs on Coignafearn is due to persecution."
Ms Rausing added that her estate ecologist had recently seen two young satellite-tagged golden eagles on the site of the new wind farm."Our aim is to restore two or three breeding pairs, but the risk of the eagles being killed when venturing over estate boundaries or killed by the proposed turbines, is unfortunately very high," she said.
She described wind farms as industrial developments and said they should not be built on wild land. Coignafearn aims to incorporate a "traditional model of a sporting estate within a conservation model" to prove it is possible to "transcend the hostility between the two ways of viewing landownership".
It built four golden eagle eyries in locations where the birds used to breed and two have been "built up" by immature eagles, but so far no breeding pair has returned. According to Ms Rausing, the most likely reason is that "individuals have flown over the estate boundary and been killed on other estates".
She added: "The food supply and habitat on Coignafearn is excellent for eagles, with plenty of red grouse, blue hares and red deer grallochs. "We also protect blue hares on the estate. At any one time, probably up to ten to 12 juvenile, immature and sub-adult golden eagles might be present on the estate."
She has appealed to Scottish Natural Heritage, the environment agency, for Special Protection Area status for golden eagles in the Monadhliaths, and believes that failure to designate the area is damaging conservation in Scotland.Ms Rausing, the publisher of Granta magazine and the owner of Granta Books, wrote a land management philosophy at Coignafearn which aims to maintain a sporting estate run on ecological lines.
She said she was part of a growing movement of "ecologically inclined landowners" who believe that caring for the land and the environment was part of their responsibility. She added that she banned persecution of raptors when she bought the estate. Her 'keepers also reduced red deer numbers from more than 2,000 in 1998 to 600 in 2008, to tackle overgrazing and encourage regeneration.
The Pecking order.Golden Eagle trumps fox.
The Telegraph
Sigrid Rausing, the philanthropist and publisher who owns an estate in Inverness-shire, said "wandering eagles" had been relentlessly persecuted in the Highlands. She has been attempting to attract the birds back to her Coignafearn estate in the Monadhliath mountains, but fears continuing persecution is preventing them breeding.
The daughter of Hans Rausing, the Swedish billionaire whose father built the Tetra Pak packaging empire, she is also concerned about the impact of a controversial wind farm project on a neighbouring property. She claims the £100 million, 33-turbine project on Dunmaglass estate, which was approved by ministers last year despite widespread opposition, will spoil one of Britain's wildest landscapes and pose a physical threat to raptors.
Ms Rausing said that that many owners of sporting estates took the view that "they own the land, and no one has the right to interfere". She added: "On the other hand most landowners are in receipt of quite substantial grants. "There is no reason why the public should pay grants to landowners whose philosophy of land management is hostile to the whole idea that the public has a right to intervene."
Conservationists have accused estates across the Highlands of killing protected raptors, including hen harriers, to protect grouse stocks, although the main landowning organisations condemn the practice. Ms Rausing said the giant turbines proposed on Dunmaglass, which is owned by the Bahamas-based millionaire Sir Jack Hayward, could kill golden eagles and should not have been approved.
"The decision was based on trying to reach certain 'green' energy targets," she added. "The Dunmaglass approval shows that where a species has been hunted to near-extinction, protection, sadly, is irrelevant in the planning process." "The Monadhliaths are potentially one of the best areas for golden eagles in Britain. That there are no breeding pairs on Coignafearn is due to persecution."
Ms Rausing added that her estate ecologist had recently seen two young satellite-tagged golden eagles on the site of the new wind farm."Our aim is to restore two or three breeding pairs, but the risk of the eagles being killed when venturing over estate boundaries or killed by the proposed turbines, is unfortunately very high," she said.
She described wind farms as industrial developments and said they should not be built on wild land. Coignafearn aims to incorporate a "traditional model of a sporting estate within a conservation model" to prove it is possible to "transcend the hostility between the two ways of viewing landownership".
It built four golden eagle eyries in locations where the birds used to breed and two have been "built up" by immature eagles, but so far no breeding pair has returned. According to Ms Rausing, the most likely reason is that "individuals have flown over the estate boundary and been killed on other estates".
She added: "The food supply and habitat on Coignafearn is excellent for eagles, with plenty of red grouse, blue hares and red deer grallochs. "We also protect blue hares on the estate. At any one time, probably up to ten to 12 juvenile, immature and sub-adult golden eagles might be present on the estate."
She has appealed to Scottish Natural Heritage, the environment agency, for Special Protection Area status for golden eagles in the Monadhliaths, and believes that failure to designate the area is damaging conservation in Scotland.Ms Rausing, the publisher of Granta magazine and the owner of Granta Books, wrote a land management philosophy at Coignafearn which aims to maintain a sporting estate run on ecological lines.
She said she was part of a growing movement of "ecologically inclined landowners" who believe that caring for the land and the environment was part of their responsibility. She added that she banned persecution of raptors when she bought the estate. Her 'keepers also reduced red deer numbers from more than 2,000 in 1998 to 600 in 2008, to tackle overgrazing and encourage regeneration.
The Pecking order.Golden Eagle trumps fox.
The Telegraph
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→Sigrid Rausing takes aim at Victorian lairds and Scottish ministers
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