Make your own simple scouring scrub

    by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

    Everything you need to make this all-natural, mildly abrasive scouring scrub is most likely already in your kitchen.

    Made with baking soda, vinegar and, maybe, some drops of your favorite essential oil blend, or a little lemon (to offset the vinegar smell), in case you have a problem with it; I don't.

    This miracle mix is a powerhouse cleaning agent for sinks, bath tubs, toilets and anything else on which you would typically use an abrasive 'conventional' cleaner. According to the EPA, indoor pollution levels are typically higher then those outside your home, and traditional, chemical-filled cleaning products are contributors to this indoor pollution problem.

    In addition, making your own cleaning products is not only better for your indoor environment (and outdoor, since nothing toxic is going down the drain); it is also by far less expensive.

    Vinegar is an all-natural anti-bacterial that kills 99% of all bacteria, 82% of mold and 80% of germs and viruses. And while this is, predominately, attributed to distilled white vinegar, the cheaper brown Malt vinegar works well would too. So put it to work!

    Better than any other vinegar is Cider Vinegar; the latter also as “medicine” as it is reckoned that a spoonful of Cider Vinegar in a glass of water taken daily helps with arthritis and many other ailments.

    Here's what you need to make enough to last you a couple of months:

    Large-mouthed glass jar with screw top lid that holds at least 2 cups. Reuse a produce jar of sorts for this. That way you upcycle at the same time.

    2 cups of baking soda

    ½ cup of white distilled vinegar

    a couple of drops of essential oil

    And, voila, ready to use.

    © 2011

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Make your own simple scouring scrub

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